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Choose the directions of the future…

Making good decisions for the future requires listening to your customers and more generally to the market. Softcom was therefore present at the Websummit 2019, Europe’s largest tech conference, in Lisbon to immerse in trends.

Among the many conferences we attended, some messages are recurrent and highlighted. What we heard:

  • The user is at the center ! Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The user experience is not only a matter of graphical interface, but also of end-to-end process. The aim is to minimize user friction, facilitate and/or simplify the user’s experience.
  • Data & IA are everywhere, in all areas… Beyond the buzz, it is true that many concrete and realistic scenarios are ready to be realized with the current technology. Among these scenarios, we obviously see the application of voice recognition and generation, but also the analysis and understanding of conversation, in the evolution of human-machine interfaces (type Siri, Alexa, etc.).
  • Digital trust. Many innovations are first considered surprising, then dangerous, and finally obvious. Society is becoming aware of the risks inherent in technology and that is a good thing. It is up to professionals to explain and ensure responsible governance and innovation for the benefit of the company.
  • Automatisierung & RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Again this idea to improve the speed of a process, but also its efficiency! Simplify users, avoid repetitive tasks to use the real value of the human being. Ideally, this automation also takes advantage of AI to adapt and improve defined processes.
  • A surviving company adapts quickly, has a long-term view, is transparent… and displays a readable ethic. A difficult mix but one that allows to maintain trust between employees and with the client-partner.

What do you think of this technical mix, job, new opportunities, always with the human  being  at the center?